ℹ️ℹ️  INFO  β„ΉοΈβ„ΉοΈ

You are in a @PoliNetwork group

The network consists of various Facebook groups, Whatsapp groups, a Discord server, a subreddit and various Telegram supergroups. Telegram supergroups have specific moderation and messaging tools: if you have problems with visualisation, make sure you have updated Telegram to the latest available version. Messages in a Telegram supergroup can be EDITED (by the sender) or DELETED (by the sender and the admins). Deletion is also possible on Facebook


πŸ”·πŸ”· GOAL πŸ”·πŸ”·

The goal of the network is to help freshmen and potential new students to the start university with the right foot, using Telegram, Facebook, Whatsapp, etc...




πŸ”Έ USE COMMON SENSE, we are a community, help us and we will help you

πŸ”Έ Remove from your username, any strange characters that may disturb its displaying

πŸ”Έ Do not send multiple messages one after the other, enclose your thoughts in a single message.

πŸ”Έ We invite you to use the REPLY and EDIT (and DELETE) functions to avoid confusion in the conversation

πŸ”Έ DO NOT offend and DO NOT SEND blasphemies in your messages, profile pictures, username, name, anywhere 🀬

πŸ”Έ Spam is prohibited

πŸ”Έ Off-topic is not allowed, use the specific OT groups for that, find out more here: PoliExtra

πŸ”Έ NO images / photos / screenshots not related to the conversation or not requested

πŸ”Έ We invite you to use the appropriate #hashtag when you ask a QUESTION or write an exhaustive ANSWER to facilitate future research

Section 1: πŸ“¦πŸ“¦ CONTENT AND MEASURES πŸ“¦πŸ“¦
  • πŸ”Έ Internal person is one who has been in the group for a reasonable time and is part of the group in which he is (if he is in third tier of management engineering, then he really attends the third tier of management engineering).
  • πŸ”Έ An external person is a person who has just joined the group or who does not attend the reality of the group.
  • πŸ”Έ Recognized Association and Representative List identified in reference to the University Register
  • πŸ”Έ Downgrading: principle of hierarchical descent in the roles of the Network due to serious events: who was delegate of the Network becomes simple Admin Advisor, who was Admin Advisor becomes simple Admin, who was Simple Admin becomes normal user, normal users are muted or banned.
  • πŸ”Έ 01. External spam, i.e. not coming from a group participant (one person enters and spam) is not tolerated. Those who do this will be banned from the entire Network.
  • πŸ”Έ 02. Peer dialogue (internal people) should be encouraged and not minimized.
  • πŸ”Έ 03. Internal spam, on the other hand, is tolerated if it does not become invasive (if everyone starts spamming, you have to discourage, but usually does not happen). Internal spam consists of:
    • Members from the echelon who send thesis surveys;
    • A link they find interesting about a project.
  • πŸ”Έ 04. We must remember that the groups are Users: it is always preferable, if you see a problem (offensive discussions, heavy teasing ...), try to solve it in words (checking the contact according to the current privacy legislation, in case of repeated behavior you will be banned).
  • πŸ”Έ 05. Representatives on the programme boards (CCS) can unanimously use the groups of the Network of their course of study to ask to send communications, as well as every institution of the Politecnico di Milano (School, Presidents of the Degree Course Council etc ...) who ask us. The Network reserves the possibility, if it finds that the message is not appropriate (useful for students, directly or indirectly), to not accept the publication of the message.
  • πŸ”Έ 06. The President of the Student Council is allowed to propose to send communications in all the groups of the Network, subject to agreement with the Admin Council to determine the methods of dissemination.
  • πŸ”Έ 07. The Associations Recognized by the Politecnico di Milano and the Departmental Clubs whose activities are focused on specific Study Programs, they have the right to ask to send promotional messages to the groups they belong to. To be admitted to the list, the administrators of the degree program and the network must approve the thing.
    The Associations Recognized by the Milan Polytechnic and Departmental Clubs that can do so are the following:
    • Management Engineering Club - Management Engineering Courses
    • AIM - Mathematical Engineers Association - Mathematical Engineering Studies Courses
    • BEA - Biomedical Engineering Association - Biomedical Engineering Studies Courses
    • Dynamis PRC - Polimi Racing Division - Mechanical Engineering Studies Courses
    • Polifonia - Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology
  • πŸ”Έ 08. The Associations Recognized by the Politecnico di Milano and the Departmental Clubs whose activities are focused to specific issues, they have the right to ask to send promotional messages in the groups they belong to in the extra groups of the network linked to them. To be admitted to the list, it is necessary to contact the Head of External Communication (for our network), after which the vote of the Admin Council will follow.
    The Associations Recognized by the Milan Polytechnic and Departmental Clubs that can do so are the following:
    • Polifonia - Extra music group of the Network
    • AESport - Extra gaming group of the Network
  • πŸ”Έ 09. The dissemination of the news of Associations Recognized by the Politecnico di Milano, Club, Departments and Representative Lists is not allowed (except for what is written in this section, subsection 07 and 08). Publication is allowed in the dedicated system (@PoliAssociazioni, see Section 2),
    In the event that a user independently decides to send news in the group of his reality, that is allowed, given that it is part of the dialogue between peers and it is understandable that a person finds an initiative or information interesting. However, if you see that a message from a reality is shared systematically, immediate action will be taken against the reality in question.
    People on a Representative List who share a message from it will be downgraded.
    Using the lists of users of the Network's groups to spam in private without explicit consent is, in addition to unlawful data processing, considered by us on a par with spam in the group itself.
  • πŸ”Έ 10. Measures
    For minor infringements it is preferable to write to the person in chat, explaining where he went wrong and asking him not to redo it (by signing the contact according to the current privacy legislation, on telegram there is the possibility of remove the privilege of writing for days). Mild infringements are as follows:
    • Incorrect behavior (Section 1, subsection 4);
    • Internal Spam (Section 1, subsection 3).
    • Mild infringements repeated over time constitute a serious infringement
    For serious infringements, on the other hand, the user must be banned from the whole PoliNetwork (if you have a role in the Network, then we proceed to the downgrading). Serious infringements are:
    • External Spam (Section 1, subsection 1);
    • Spam of Associations Recognized by the Polytechnic of Milan, Departmental Clubs and Representative Lists;
    • Serious offenses to Users.
    With regard to recognized associations, departmental clubs and representative lists: if one breaks the Spam rules will be taken against the whole reality:
    • For a first offense, any post privileges in @PoliAssociazoni are revoked;
    • At the second offense all the privileges are lost, even of the individual Users or of any Admin (they also lose the right to vote in the Board of Directors), decaying, and all the Admin of that reality are banned for 2 years (banned the entire reality for 2 years, due to violation of the rules, such as the spam of a reality during the pre-election and election campaign period).
  • πŸ”Έ Recognition process for departmental clubs:
    • A departmental club applies for one or more courses
    • Requires unanimous approval of student representatives in CCS in each of the courses
    • Opinion by majority of the Council
    • If the vote is successful the club will have permission to ask the Network to send messages in the course group and its name will be added at rule 1.7 or 1.8.

Section 2: πŸ’ˆπŸ’ˆ SPONSORING πŸ’ˆπŸ’ˆ

πŸ”Έ Advertisment posts are not allowed to prevent spam on our group.

πŸ”Έ With the sentence above, we mean that no unauthorized spam should appear in the chat or in the group (whether in the name, in the message content, etc.).

πŸ”Έ We have developed a special system for the associations of the Politecnico, and it is the following: they can publish, by contacting us on our Facebook page, a photo with description regarding their event, in the channel @PoliAssociazioni in Telegram and other social media platforms. From there, together with them, we will discuss which groups make sense to forward their post to. In this way, the channel will grow and become a reference point for the excellent initiatives that the various associations propose.

πŸ”Έ For any exceptions or in case you are not part of the previously listed categories please contact us with a private message on our facebook page.


Section 3: βšͺ️βšͺ️ CLEANING CHAT βšͺ️βšͺ️ 

The administrators will clean the chat silently from any heavy Out Topic, flame and messages against the regulation, in order to ensure the best possible quality for the community, respecting all users.

The cleaning issue is better explained in the CHAT CLEANING EXTENSION (see below)


Section 4: πŸ”΄πŸ”΄ BAN and SECURITY πŸ”΄πŸ”΄

Users that will not behave correctly and will repeatedly break the poli rules, will be banned from the groups, following the section 1: CONTENT AND MEASURES.


Section 5: πŸ”°πŸ”° ADMIN πŸ”°πŸ”°

πŸ”Έ For information, requests or proposals you can contact the group's admins

πŸ”Έ To report the presence of trolls and spammers, as well as group users who show inappropriate behaviour towards you in private chat, contact the admins.

πŸ”Έ The better your conduct in the group will be, the greater the tolerance towards you in case of any mistakes in good faith will be. The ban will always be considered extrema ratio by the admin (except for what written in other sections in this rules)

Section 6: πŸ”¦πŸ”¦ LOST&FOUND πŸ”¦πŸ”¦
πŸ”Έ It's normal to lose something. If you find an object, in addition to bringing it to the appropriate office (you can find it on the Politecnico website), you can report it in your Scaglione's group


Now here are some extra platform-specific rules:




πŸ”Έ You must set an @username, offensive usernames will be judged as a troll

πŸ”Έ We only want real people in our groups, so users should have their name (and possibly their surname) on Telegram, not just nicknames or others. It is also strongly recommended to have your face in a profile picture.

πŸ”Έ NO games, for that there is a specific group

πŸ”Έ Use of GIFs and stickers and the addition of bots to the chat are prohibited



πŸ”Έ We only want real people in our groups, so users should have their name (and possibly their surname) on Whatsapp, not just nicknames or others

πŸ”Έ You must not change the name or description of the groups.



πŸ”Έ We only want real people in our groups, so users should have their name (and possibly their surname) on Facebook, not just nicknames or others.



πŸ”Έ Follow the channel's topic: If the chat is called "Games", talk about that



πŸ”Έ Follow the post's topic: If the post is called "Question about TOL", talk about that


This is an extension of the @PoliRules

The cleaning of the chat is a possible operation on Telegram, because the messages deleted in the supergroups are deleted for all at the same time. We also do it on Discord.

Why is cleaning performed?

Imagine if a conversation about cats happened during the summer in the group. Maybe many like them, but a person who is preparing for the entrance test would not want to find certain messages while studying. So, what to do? The group is kept clean, that's all. However, there are groups to talk about non-school subjects, you can find them in @PoliExtra. And there, even cats are welcome.

So do not worry if a message (or more) disappears, it can happen. If you think that your message should not have disappeared, do not write it in the group where it disappeared, write privately to the group administrator and discuss instead.

This also applies to any discussions like "why did I get a warn?" or similar, they are all things to be discussed privately with the administrator, and if you are sent this kind of messages to the group, they will be removed as well.

Thanks, have fun in the @PoliNetwork

βœ… The community becomes better also thanks to your good behaviour

πŸ–Š @PoliNetwork's admins

Network structure